2022 Chatswood High School Catchment Map Update

Chatswood High School same as Chatswood Public School is the focus of the changes due to the official release of the Lindfield Learning Village catchment for 2022.

The northern tip of the existing Chatswood High School catchment will be transferred to Killara High School in 2022.

The rest of the northern section of the existing Chatswood High School catchment will be transferred to Lindfield Learning Village in 2022 as well.

A very tiny catchment area that is sandwiched between Sailors Bay Road and Flat Rock Drive of existing Chatswood High School will be transferred to Cammeraygal High School in 2022.

Please note the green-striped areas are what will be transferred away from Chatswood High School to other nearby high schools in 2022. The black border is the 2022 catchment boundary and the red is the 2021 boundary.

2022 Chatswood High School Catchment Map

The most common name used by the NSW Department of Education is called “catchment” which refers to those students who reside in a particular area who are guaranteed a position in specific schools. When discussed from the perspective of a particular school is often referred to as one of the following terms.

  • School Zone
  • School intake area
  • School catchment

As usual contact the school in question or the Department of Education for the final confirmation and you can also access the full NSW and Sydney High School Catchment Map by following this link.

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2 thoughts on “2022 Chatswood High School Catchment Map Update”

  1. Hi there,

    This website is a treasure. May I ask if there is any high school under construction near CHS? Is there a possibility of catchment boundary change between 2023 and 2026/2027 (strong possibility)? My child is in year 3 and I am trying to buy a property, the options are on the boundaries. However, changing to Hunters Hill HS would be too difficult for us if the catchment slices off the southern part further.

    Thank you a million!

    1. Hi Max,

      There are actually two under planning, one is St Leonards Education Precinct


      Given that it is currently in the planning stage and stage 1 is for primary, so I think it is unlikely that high school will be completed within the next few years.

      You also have the Macquarie Park Education Precinct, this one is under the planning stage as well and also it is far enough from Chatswood that it is unlikely to impact the catchment within the next few years either way.


      Also, Chatswood High School will complete its new expansion and upgrade by mid of next year, so it likely will have the capacity to handle the increased enrolment within the area within the next few years I think.

      My speculation is major changes in the existing catchment are unlikely within the next few years until the above two-mentioned schools open. However, some minor adjustments are certainly possible, I would even say likely. There are a lot of schools newly opened and renovated high schools in the area.

      Above is my best guess on what likely will happen within the next few years.

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