Wentworth Point High School opened for year in 2025 and will progressively taken on more each subsequent year. Year 7 in 2025, Year 7 to 8 in 2026 and so on. The newly built high school can handle up to 1500 students and cost 160 million. Given the amount of new development in housing happening in the Wentworth Point recently, this cannot be happening soon enough. I visited the suburb a few times recently and the population density is really high and more apartments are going up while I was there.
Auburn Girls, Granville Boys, Homebush Boys and Concord High School will be ones that being impacted, looks like currently you still can enrolled in those schools as zoning is overlapped. I do expected after next few years the zone will be exclusively for Wentworth Point High School.
2025 Wentworth Point High School Catchment Map
2025 NSW, Sydney Public (Secondary) School Zone Map
The most common name used by the NSW Department of Education is called “catchment” which refers to those students who reside in a particular area and are guaranteed a position in specific schools. When discussed from the perspective of a particular school is often referred to as one of the following terms.
School Zone
School intake area
School catchment
As usual, contact the school in question or the Department of Education for the final confirmation and you can also access the full NSW and Sydney Public School Catchment Map by following this link.
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