Speculation Of High School Catchment For The New High School At Macquarie Park Education Precinct

The high school catchments around the newly proposed Macquarie Park Education Precinct are a bit of a mess. As you can see from the image below.

Again with the NSW Department of Education’s tendency to use major geographic features of using rivers, parks, and major roads to divide the school catchments, we can make some speculation on how the catchment will look like.

The new high school’s catchment will be at expense of Ryde Secondary College and Hunters Hill High School most likely. Epping Boys and Riverside Girls High School will also possibly be impacted, particularly given the recent moves by the NSW Department of Education that shift schools towards coed.

The majority of new apartments are between Epping Road and M2 Motorway, however, I would expect the new high school catchment will extend south past the Epping road as well. The catchment to the further west and south outside what is mentioned can also be impacted but if so will be to a lesser degree.

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