Strathfield North Public School catchment for 2022 is undergoing a lot of changes. It both gained and lost a significant percentage of its existing catchment, I will detail the changes below.
Strathfield North Public school will transfer away both sides of Moala Street in the north to Concord West Public School in 2022. All the properties that I can see are low-density residential, so the affected enrolment number should be very minimal.
It will transfer the area north of Yarralla Street and west of Concord Road to Victoria Ave Public School in 2022. This area is a mix of low to medium residential properties.
It will gain the triangular area north of the motorway and west of the railway from Victoria Ave Public School in 2022. This area is a mix of low to medium residential properties.
It will also gain the area west of the Majors Bay Road from Mortlake Public School. However, this area is part of the Concord Hospital and Majors Bay Reserve, I do not see any residential properties in this area, so should have no effect on enrolment numbers for Strathfield North Public School in 2022.
Looking at all the gains and transfer away in the catchment for Strathfield North Public School for 2022, the overall effect on the enrolment number should be fairly neutral.
Please note the green-striped areas are what will be transferred away from Strathfield North Public School to Victoria Ave and Concord West Public School in 2022. The red-striped areas are what will be transferred to the Strathfield North Public School catchment from Victoria Ave and Mortlake Public School. The black border is the 2022 catchment boundary and the red is the 2021 boundary.

The most common name used by the NSW Department of Education is called “catchment” which refers to those students who reside in a particular area who are guaranteed a position in specific schools. When discussed from the perspective of a particular school is often referred to as one of the following terms.
- School Zone
- School intake area
- School catchment
As usual contact the school in question or the Department of Education for the final confirmation and you can also access the full NSW and Sydney Primary School Catchment Map by following this link.
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