Enrolment requirement for Sydney public school can be deceptively simple or annoying complex. The school is obligated by law to accept the applicants if he or she lives in the school catchment area.
You can use the Sydney public school catchment map for reference on checking this. For final confirmation I recommend you call the school in question to check.
The general requirements are normally something as following
General requirement
Proof of student’s residential address
Birth Certificate or identity documents
Copies of an family law or other relevant court orders (if applicable)
Immunisation history statement
None PR will require something as following
Passport or travel documents
Current and previous visas
Temporary visa holder
Authority to enrol
Authority to enrol or evidence of permission to transfer
Evidence of the visa the student has applied for
Popular public schools will have enrolment policy with a lot more stringent requirement. Below is taken from one of the top public school in the north shore area’s enrolment policy. You can more or less expect similar requirements with all top public schools in Sydney.
The school will seek evidence demonstrating local resident status through the provision of current original documents. These are:
(a) Property ownership or tenancy documents in the name of the applicant’s parent eg rate notice or tenancy agreement.
(b) Three utility account statements (water, electricity, telephone, gas) displaying the name and local address of the applicant’s parents. Property owners must include a recent Sydney Water account in the name of the parent.
For students entering Kindergarten the principal place of residence must be re-confirmed at the commencement of the school year prior to the child’s first day of attendance. An original and current utilities or services bill must be presented to the school.
There had been a lot of cases of parents borrowing address to try enrolling into the top public schools; thus the above detailed requirements to enrol into the public schools.
Schools often have a number of non-local enrolment positions available. Anybody can apply for it, however there is no guarantee of it being granted.
Again above are just for reference, each school may or may not have different requirement, so I suggest calling the school in question again to confirm.