Amaroo Primary School (ACT) Priority Enrolment Area and how I create catchment map for schools

This entry is for the Priority Enrolment Area (PET) for Amaroo Primary School in the ACT. I will also show how I create the maps as well and thought this may be a fun one to follow. The process is out of date now, but I left it here as it is a historical record of what I have done in the past. For accuracy, please refer and use the map below instead.

Please note each Australian State has a different education system and way of showing the school zone catchment information. ACT has a centralized page describing the corresponding PET for each school. There is also an excellent Allhomes map, however, you cannot search it easily and I found it somewhat clunky to use as well.

ACT Department of Education description, please note the left is the school name and right is the suburb that it is covering.

Amaroo School DET Description

Allhomes map, this has very good detail and can zoom in and out.

Amaroo School All Homes Map

I use Google Maps to create my maps and following is the normal procedure I follow.

Geolocate the school in question

Amaroo School Geolocating

Checked the Suburb boundaries that was listed on the ACT Department of Education website.

Amaroo Suburb Jacka Suburb Moncrieff Suburb

Start to Create the Map using the information gathered.

Started of Catchment Map Creation

The End Result and Amaroo Primary School Priority Enrolment Area Map.

Amaroo School Catchment (Priority Enrolment Area) Map

“Priority Enrolment Area” which is what a particular address is zoned for the particular school. When discussed from the perspective of a particular school is often referred to as one of the following terms.

  • School Zone
  • School intake area
  • School catchment
  • Priority Intake Area

As usual contact the school in question or Department of Education for the final confirmation and you can also access the full ACT Public School Priority Enrolment Area (Catchment) Map by following this link.

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