Blackburn Lake Primary School

This is the designated neighbourhood zone for Blackburn Lake Primary School in Melbourne, Victoria. You can search for a particular school or address in the search box in the top right-hand corner of the embedded map or zoom into an area of interest on the map.

The proper name used by Victorian Department of Education is called “Designated neighbourhood school” which is what a particular address is zoned for the particular school. When discussed from the perspective of a particular school is often referred to as one of the following terms.

  • Designated neighbourhood zone
  • Designated neighbourhood boundary
  • Neighbourhood zone
  • School Zone
  • School intake area
  • School catchment

For the final confirmation please contact the school in question. You can also find the full Melbourne, Victoria public school zone map by clicking on the link.

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One thought on “Blackburn Lake Primary School”

  1. Do your due Diligence BEFORE sending your child to this school.
    28/11/23 -I would NEVER recommend #BlackburnLakePrimarySchool
    This review (originally on google) honest and RELEVANT review of @BlackburnLakePrimarySchool has been removed over 40 times.

    I am of the view that the school does not take well to detailed reviews.

    This post is above all informational of MY experience at Blackburn Lake Primary school and what to do if ANY school fails to action/support families in the event of relentless bullying and who they can turn to: #VictoriaPolice.

    Google reviews are exactly that- reviews, good bad or otherwise so others can make an informed decision.

    2023 Blackburn Lake Primary School: Vaping, threats of violence/killing, and bullying all of this in week 1 of term 1 – 2023 at grade 6 level.

    Bullying culture is alive and flourishing under the leadership of newly appointed Principal David (previously assistant principal) and new Assistant Principal Rebecca (aka: Bec – formerly Prep teacher) @BlackburnLakePrimarySchool

    Both are aloof and dismissive of the serious damaging nature of bullying, threats of violence and assault.

    I had contacted both David and Rebecca in writing with my concerns of #bullyingblackburnlakeprimaryschool and threats of violence to my child on many occasions only to be dismissed – in both term 1 and term 2.

    Term 3- known school bully physically assaulted another student, witnessed by many students of different grade levels at lunch play and when it was reported to the teachers, the students reporting the incident were deemed trouble makers for bothering the teachers and the bully, she was not held to account – ZER0.

    Both David and Rebecca failed to action in any capacity.

    I escalated my concerns to The Victorian Education Dept ‘ , The Ombudsman and eventually Victoria Police as the school Principal David failed in his duty of care not only to my child but to MANY others.

    If your child is bullied/threatened at ANY school, and the school fails to respond/act or support your child, contact Youth Resources Division (Forest Hill Police) – you will be heard and assisted.

    I was informed by Youth Services @ForestHillPolice that ALL Victorian School Principals are well versed in protocols regarding threats of killing, physical harm, and/or violence made to a student by another. Principals are OBLIGATED to inform and refer the student/parents/guardians being bullied to Victoria Police – but principal David and assistant principal Rebecca neglected to do so on ANY occasion.

    Because of the lazy governance at BLPS, both David and Rebecca FAILED in their duty of care – period.

    Their many failings and the highly INAPPROPRIATE conduct of new Principal David is truly disturbing.

    Recording my child and her grade 6 classmate in term 3 on his mobile phone in HIS office without prior parental knowledge OR consent is not only inappropriate, it is ILLEGAL and still has not been explained/ clarified to date after I sent 2 please explain emails.

    As it is our final year, grade 6 – I doubt I will receive any clarification or explanation as to why.

    This grossly inappropriate and illegal conduct has been reported to Victoria Police.

    ALWAYS, ALWAYS address your concerns in writing to schools so there can be no denials or misinterpretations – emails are trailed as evidence.

    [ If you need assistance dealing with violent or distressing online bullying content,
    go to: – they will act to remove content and track down offenders via IP addresses and will involve Victoria Police ]

    It is my ABSOLUTE strong opinion that the current leadership at #Blackburnlakeprimaryschool needs to be SERIOUSLY investigated more thoroughly at the very least by the @VictorianOmbudsman.

    Kids should have fond memories of their primary school years – not trauma.

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