My Motorola phone recently received upgrade to Android Marshmallow 6.0 and I opt to upgrade straightway. Pretty much directly after upgrade, I am starting to having problem with the phone.
- My phone was not connecting to the computer anymore when I plugged it in via using USB cable.
- The phone keeps showing message that Google Play Service require update and because my play store is not working, I could not do that.
- I was not able to connect to the Play Store it keeps returning connection time out error. (This issue most likely not related to the update, but happened at same time and compounded my dilemma greatly.)
As I end up spend a few days before sorting all these issue, I feel the need to write this down and share with everyone. So it may help some random people searching on Google and save them some major hassle.
The first problem is the easiest to resolve, after quick research it shows that Google changed how connection behavior works with connecting the phone to the computer via the USB cable. It is now defaulted to charging only, you will have to slide down the top menu and select the usb connection message, then choose the MTP option shows up afterwards. This will let the phone connect to the computer via MTP mode.
The second problem is a bit of bugger, because the phone is not able to connect to the Google Play Store, it is not able to update the Google Play Service app and apps that rely on this may not work. When you click on the message and try to update, it just bring you to the Play Store, because my third issue of not able to connect to it, the update fails and I am just stuck in a loop.
The third issue, that I keep getting connection time out and retry message when opening up Google Play Store. I checked and double checked my internet connection and everything worked fine without issue except Google Play Store. The problem is an Android Phone may as well be semi bricked if you cannot access the Play Store. I started searching on Google, there are a tonnes of advice, most of them by varies of Indian bloggers and essentially copying each other’s article, with resetting the store app cache etc and finally lead up to factory reset the phone.
I have no real important data on the phone but did not feel the problem justify a factory reset yet. So I keep researching for a solution. After whole bunch of resetting app data, side installing the latest Play Store etc. The Store is still not working for me and I was getting annoyed to say the least, I could have really spend the time on something useful rather than wasted on this. I charged one of my old phone and was getting the exact same issue, so at this stage I finally thought since everything else is working, why not try with Google’s own DNS. So I redid my wifi connection settings and put Google’s DNS server into it, everything pretty much worked straightway.
So if you having connection time out retry with Google Play Store and everything else worked fine internet wise, please try changing your DNS server to the Google’s own and try. It worked wonders for me and could very well save you complete trashing your phone by factory reset.