2017 is the first year that in NSW, the government will require year 9 students to obtain at least a NAPLAN band 8 or higher in three areas – reading, writing and numeracy to qualify for their HSC. If they fail to achieve band 8 in all three areas, they will have to pass an online test in the following years in order to qualify for HSC.

This year close to 70 percent students in year 9 failed to hit the above mentioned score. So will have to sit in additional online tests if they want to qualify for HSC. Some interesting points, not all year 9 students will end up sitting for HSC three years later, I did a blog a while ago and I think HSC completion rate in NSW is something like 70 percent. We can likely to assume most of the student that reached the band 8 for all three area will be the ones that go on and complete their HSC. So in fact, if you subtract the 30 percent from the total in fact close to 60 percent of student that eventually complete their HSC do not have to sit for additional tests. So as you can numbers can be deceptive sometimes.

Another interesting thing is that NSW got a pretty decent bump in result this year and one of the possible main contributing facts possibly is due to this requirement. NAPLAN tests previously do not matter at all, so not surprising many students do not sit for it or try for it.



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