Homework or not in Australia?

There are a number of articles going around regarding homework in Australian school particularly at primary level. There are for and against proponent for each argument. At least in my kid’s public school I have not yet to see what I personally consider as a unmanagable level of homework. What I do not support is an excessive amount of homework particularly at the primary level of schooling. This also happens at Secondary level, however, my personal experience is that by senior years I had reasonable enough experience that I could decide to a degree on what to do and how much to do, so this was not as much a burden.

Homework in correct way and amount is very helpful. It helps the children to consolidate the learning and also let us parents know what they are good or bad at. Thus it will let us know in which area the children in question need to pay more attention. Let’s face it, education is not just what school do, it is the job of both the parent and school to achieve the best outcome for your children.




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