Private Schools Better Than Public Schools?

I keep a list of interesting education-related articles that I have read before but had no time to fully digest at the time so I could go back and reread them later. “Public schools judged ‘superior’ to private schools, the new survey shows” from SMH from about three months ago was one such article. What it shows is that

Australians backed public schools over private schools by a slim margin: just 8.5 percentage points. Overall, 45.6 per cent of respondents either strongly disagreed (14.6%) or disagreed (31%) with the statement: “Private schools offer a superior education to public schools.

Meanwhile, 37.1 per cent either strongly agreed (7.2%) or agreed (29.9%).

This split remained fairly consistent across age, gender and location – with one glaring exception.

Australians earning $104,000 or more were the only group to back private schools over public schools. And they did so with a convincing margin of 16 percentage points.

Among high earners, agreement with the statement jumped to 50.4 per cent, while disagreement plunged to 33.9 per cent.

I am an advocate of Public Education, so my opinion is probably fairly biased to start with. That being said what type of school the parents going to send their children to is a personal one and is to be made with each family and children. There is no right or wrong answer this question.



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