Northbridge Public School

This page contains the information and the catchment map for Northbridge Public School in Sydney, NSW. You can search for a particular school or address in the search box in the top right-hand corner of the embedded map or zoom into an area of interest on the map.

The most common name used by NSW Department of Education is called “catchment” which refer to that students resides in particular area is guaranteed a position in specific schools. When discussed from the perspective of a particular school is often referred to as one of the following terms.

  • School Zone
  • School intake area
  • School catchment

As usual contact the school in question or Department of Education for the final confirmation and you can also access the full NSW and Sydney Public School Catchment Map by following this link.

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Lindfield East Public School

This page contains the information and the catchment map for Lindfield East Public School in Sydney, NSW. You can search for a particular school or address in the search box in the top right-hand corner of the embedded map or zoom into an area of interest on the map.

The most common name used by NSW Department of Education is called “catchment” which refer to that students resides in particular area is guaranteed a position in specific schools. When discussed from the perspective of a particular school is often referred to as one of the following terms.

  • School Zone
  • School intake area
  • School catchment

As usual contact the school in question or Department of Education for the final confirmation and you can also access the full NSW and Sydney Public School Catchment Map by following this link.

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Maroubra Junction Public School

This page contains the information and the catchment map for Maroubra Junction Public School in Sydney, NSW. You can search for a particular school or address in the search box in the top right-hand corner of the embedded map or zoom into an area of interest on the map.

The most common name used by NSW Department of Education is called “catchment” which refer to that students resides in a particular area is guaranteed a position in specific schools. When discussed from the perspective of a particular school is often referred to as one of the following terms.

  • School Zone
  • School intake area
  • School catchment

As usual contact the school in question or Department of Education for the final confirmation and you can also access the full NSW and Sydney Public School Catchment Map by following this link.

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Which state is the next?

Now that ACT school catchment has been completely mapped. I am considering which state to move onto next. I have actually done considerable work for just about all states already and it is really a matter of expanding the work and making them public at this stage.

With number of things happening right now, I am having to ration my time somewhat and unable to devote full time to the school catchment mapping project. I most likely will pick a state out of Western Australian, Victoria or South Australia to focus my energy on. I am enjoy the experience and hopefully your guys found the work done useful as well.

University of Canberra Senior Secondary College (ACT) Priority Enrolment Area (Catchment)

This entry completes the entire ACT school catchment map series. This is the Priority Enrolment Area or Catchment Map for University of Canberra Senior Secondary College in Canberra, ACT. You can search for a particular school or address in the search box in the top right-hand corner of the embedded map or zoom into an area of interest on the map.

“Priority Enrolment Area” which is what a particular address is zoned for the particular school. When discussed from the perspective of a particular school is often referred to as one of the following terms.

  • School Zone
  • School intake area
  • School catchment
  • Priority Intake Area

As usual contact the school in question or Department of Education for the final confirmation and you can also access the full ACT Public School Priority Enrolment Area (Catchment) Map by following this link.

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Narrabundah College (ACT) Priority Enrolment Area (Catchment)

This is the Priority Enrolment Area or Catchment Map for Narrabundah College in Canberra, ACT. You can search for a particular school or address in the search box in the top right-hand corner of the embedded map or zoom into an area of interest on the map.

“Priority Enrolment Area” which is what a particular address is zoned for the particular school. When discussed from the perspective of a particular school is often referred to as one of the following terms.

  • School Zone
  • School intake area
  • School catchment
  • Priority Intake Area

As usual contact the school in question or Department of Education for the final confirmation and you can also access the full ACT Public School Priority Enrolment Area (Catchment) Map by following this link.

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Melba Copland Secondary School (ACT) Priority Enrolment Area (Catchment)

This is the Priority Enrolment Area or Catchment Map for Melba Copland Secondary School in Canberra, ACT. You can search for a particular school or address in the search box in the top right-hand corner of the embedded map or zoom into an area of interest on the map.

“Priority Enrolment Area” which is what a particular address is zoned for the particular school. When discussed from the perspective of a particular school is often referred to as one of the following terms.

  • School Zone
  • School intake area
  • School catchment
  • Priority Intake Area

As usual contact the school in question or Department of Education for the final confirmation and you can also access the full ACT Public School Priority Enrolment Area (Catchment) Map by following this link.

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East Hills Public School

This page contains the information and the catchment map for East Hills Public School in Sydney, NSW. You can search for a particular school or address in the search box in the top right-hand corner of the embedded map or zoom into an area of interest on the map.

The most common name used by NSW Department of Education is called “catchment” which refer to that students resides in a particular area is guaranteed a position in specific schools. When discussed from the perspective of a particular school is often referred to as one of the following terms.

  • School Zone
  • School intake area
  • School catchment

As usual contact the school in question or Department of Education for the final confirmation and you can also access the full NSW and Sydney Public School Catchment Map by following this link.

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Panania Public School

This page contains the information and the catchment map for Panania Public School in Sydney, NSW. You can search for a particular school or address in the search box in the top right-hand corner of the embedded map or zoom into an area of interest on the map.

The most common name used by NSW Department of Education is called “catchment” which refer to that students resides in a particular area is guaranteed a position in specific schools. When discussed from the perspective of a particular school is often referred to as one of the following terms.

  • School Zone
  • School intake area
  • School catchment

As usual contact the school in question or Department of Education for the final confirmation and you can also access the full NSW and Sydney Public School Catchment Map by following this link.

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Lake Tuggeranong College (ACT) Priority Enrolment Area (Catchment)

Yay three more to go to complete the full coverage of school catchment maps for ACT. This is the Priority Enrolment Area or Catchment Map for Lake Tuggeranong College in Canberra, ACT. You can search for a particular school or address in the search box in the top right-hand corner of the embedded map or zoom into an area of interest on the map.

“Priority Enrolment Area” which is what a particular address is zoned for the particular school. When discussed from the perspective of a particular school is often referred to as one of the following terms.

  • School Zone
  • School intake area
  • School catchment
  • Priority Intake Area

As usual contact the school in question or Department of Education for the final confirmation and you can also access the full ACT Public School Priority Enrolment Area (Catchment) Map by following this link.

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