Glenwood Public School

This page contains the information and the catchment map for Glenwood Public School in Sydney, NSW. You can search for a particular school or address in the search box in the top right-hand corner of the embedded map or zoom into an area of interest on the map.

The most common name used by NSW Department of Education is called “catchment” which refer to that students resides in a particular area is guaranteed a position in specific schools. When discussed from the perspective of a particular school is often referred to as one of the following terms.

  • School Zone
  • School intake area
  • School catchment

As usual contact the school in question or Department of Education for the final confirmation and you can also access the full NSW and Sydney Public School Catchment Map 通过点击此链接。


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《Glenwood Public School》有2个想法

  1. Hi I’m in the middle of finding a good high school, I do not want to send my child to catholic school. I’ve heard very good reports about Glenwood High School. I’ve recently put deposit on house in Tibury ave Standhope gardens. I looked up the catchment area for Glenwood and it fills in the area but so does The ponds high school. I sent an email to Glenwood High School, they told me that they could not except my son to their school. Even know I’m in catchment. Apparently I found out that they haven’t updated catchment area on their website as well as Find a school link. This very confusing and frustrating thinking that you’re in area then find out your not. Last a few kids that I know went into year 7 they all live way out of area, I’m talking walking distance to Quakers Hill high school. They applied for Glenwood and got in. Glenwood is a public school not a selected school. The other reason they told me that they have not got the staff. My son is a very good student never gets into trouble. I do not want to go to The ponds school because it is at their capacity already and there is one other option other than Glenwood is the catholic high school. And I’m not sending him there. I also have another so in yr 7 that is go to Qhhs which I would love to change over when we move. I also got another child she’s in yr 3 which I was planning to send to Glenwood High School in the future. What are my chances getting my child into this school. Thank you.

    1. Hi Lisa,

      I believe that the address was in the shared zone between Glenwood and The Pond high school. That was the case when I checked the zoning earlier this year. Of course, if the information publicly available is in error then that is a different case. You can try to confirm the zoning with the NSW Department of Education as well. If you happen to be exclusively zoned with Glenwood, then they have to accept your enrolment. Otherwise, you will have to try for out of area application which is at the discretion of the school principal in question. So you can also try to arrange a face to face meeting with the principle and try to plead your case. Public schools in NSW can accept out of area applications if they have positions available after satisfying the demand from the catchment. If your son can get in, school generally give preference for a sibling when considering out of area applications which will make it easier when your daughter applying for the Glenwood high school.

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