ACT High School Priority Enrolment Area Catchment Year 7 to 10 (Map)

This page will contain the entire collection of the ACT High School Priority Enrolment Area (Catchment) Map. High Schools in the ACT/Canberra are catering for students between Year 7 to 10.


“Priority Enrolment Area” which is what a particular address is zoned for the particular school. When discussed from the perspective of a particular school is often referred to as one of the following terms.

  • School Zone
  • School intake area
  • School catchment
  • Priority Intake Area

As usual contact the school in question or Department of Education for the final confirmation and you can also access the full ACT公立学校优先招生区域(学区)地图 通过点击此链接。


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《ACT High School Priority Enrolment Area Catchment Year 7 to 10 (Map)》有6个想法

  1. i need to enrol our daughter -we live in hughes i cant see how to use this to do so my name is robert johnson

    1. Hi Robert,

      The school the suburb Hughes is zoned for as following depend on which year she is going.

      Hughes Primary School
      Alfred Deakin High School
      Canberra College

      I recommend you always do the final confirmation with the school in question

  2. What happens if we are in a catchment for a High School we do not think has the right features for our child what options do we have?

    1. Hi Christine,

      You can try for out of area enrolment application, if the school in question has space left after satisfying local enrolment, in general, they will take out of area application. Contacting the school in question is the only way of checking whether a particular school will accept out-of-area applications.

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