Angle Vale Primary School

This is the school zone map for Angle Vale Primary School in South Australia. You can search for a particular school or address in the search box in the top right-hand corner of the embedded map or zoom into an area of interest on the map.

Please note there are a number of different ways the term school zone is referred, they can be also called school catchment, intake areas etc. Some of the schools have defined school zone, while the others are based on the closest distance between the student’s resident to the nearest school.

For the final confirmation please contact the school in question and you can find the Full South Australian Primary School Zone Map by following this link.

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Allenby Gardens Primary School

This is the school zone map for Allenby Gardens Primary School in South Australia. You can search for a particular school or address in the search box in the top right-hand corner of the embedded map or zoom into an area of interest on the map.

Please note there are a number of different ways the term school zone is referred, they can be also called school catchment, intake areas etc. Some of the schools have defined school zone, while the others are based on the closest distance between the student’s resident to the nearest school.

For the final confirmation please contact the school in question and you can find the Full South Australian Primary School Zone Map by following this link.

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South Australia High School Catchment Zone Map

I had a brief going over of South Australia’s high school catchment map recently.  Look like the entire Adelaide city is covered with specific zoning at secondary school level. So I have created the maps based on the information available on South Australia Department for Education and Child Development.

2017 South Australia Adelaide High School Zoning

The actual map

For final confirmation on school zoning please contact the school in question.

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South Australia School Zoning

I have done fairly extensive work on Victoria and NSW zoning has done articles on how the zoning works in those particular states. This one I will do a quick over in South Australia on how school zoning is defined here. I had a brief look and

  1. A number of schools at both primary and secondary level are defined with specific school zones. This is very similar to other defined school zones in other states as well, however from the brief experience I had looking at this zones, overlapping seems to be fairly common in South Australia and Victoria, not so much in rest of the states. The majority of the schools fall into #2 and #3.
  2. Families residing in the greater metropolitan area may be located in an ‘unzoned’ area. Students who live in ‘unzoned’ areas will be allocated to their closest school.
  3. Where the student lives more than 5 kilometers from the nearest school and lives in an ‘unzoned’ area, the allocated school is the school serviced by a DECD-provided school bus service.

DECD stands for Department for Education and Child Development in South Australia. What I can find on the DECD’s website does not specify about any metropolitan school zones. I am assuming they also follow the similar pattern in #2 and #3 above, but with larger distance or no distance constraint. This, of course, need to be confirmed by the South Australian Department of Education.

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How South Australian School Zones Are Defined

South Australian school zones are very similar to the other states, some of the schools have specific zones defined which using South Australian Department Education’s own word as following.

A school zone is a defined area surrounding a school from which the school accepts its core intake of students. School zoning is one way schools can manage enrolment pressure.

Acceptance into a particular school is subject to the school’s capacity, and the principal of the school will be able to advise you if they have available places.

If a particular area is not zoned for a specific school, then the following rule applies

Families residing in the greater metropolitan area may be located in an ‘unzoned’ area. Students who live in ‘unzoned’ areas will be allocated to their closest school. Where the student lives more than 5 kilometres from the nearest school and lives in an ‘unzoned’ area, the allocated school is the school serviced by a DECD-provided school bus service.

As in the other states students can apply for enrolement for out of zone schools, South Australia Department of Education’s own word as following

Students may register their interest in attending any school. Acceptance to a zoned school will depend on whether there are places available at the school. If places are available, selection for entry to the school will be based on:


  1. distance from your home to the school
  2. curriculum that cannot be offered at your zoned school
  3. social and family links
  4. transport and location convenience
  5. compelling or unusual reasons.


South Australia Primary Schools Zone Map

This page contains the map for the entire list of school zone map for the state of South Australia. I will do another post on how the school zone is set up in this state.

Full list of Schools
























For the final confirmation please contact the school in question and you can find the Full South Australian Primary School Zone Map by following this link.

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