Western Australia Secondary School Local Intake Area Map

This page will hold the Western Australia Secondary School Local Intake Area map, currently, it is pretty much a Perth only one. I got most of these done last year but never had time to tidy it up and make them available to the public. I finally wrapped up a number of projects recently or rather got them to a point where I can put them aside for a bit and get back to working on this.

I will eventually try and map all secondary school local intake area for Western Australia, however, this is a lot of work to do and will be a long-term thing as I only have so much time to work on this. One more thing to note is that local intake area may also be called school zone, school catchment etc.

Western Australia Secondary School Local Intake Area Map

As usual contact the school in question for the final confirmation.

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25 thoughts on “Western Australia Secondary School Local Intake Area Map”

  1. Hi
    Our address is xx Decourcey Way marangaroo, 6064.
    I would like to know which public secondary school in our catchment area
    . Please give me a reply
    Sinimol Mathew

    1. Hi Sinimol,

      This address belong to the school zone of “Girrawheen Senior High School”. Please contact the school in question to confirm this.

  2. Hai , I am located in xx Holmes st southern river wa, which secondary school in our catchment area please

    1. Hi Gopal,

      This appears to be zoned for both Thornlie Senior High School and Southern River College. Please contact the schools in question to confirm.

  3. Hello, I am in bywater way, wilson wa, which is my local high school catchment area, please. Thanks. Lily

    1. Hi Lily,

      This looks to be part of Cannington Community College’s catchment. As usual, please contact the school in question to confirm.

  4. Hi, my family are seriously contemplating a move to Bridgetown. I am currently in year 11 studying 6 ATAR subjects and I do not know which schools in that area do my subjects. Please can you help? Where should I look?

    1. Hi Naomi,

      I am not as familiar with WA, but if it is similar to NSW, then you will have to contact the school in question directly to check if they are running the subjects you are interested in. In NSW each school can and will run different subjects in year 11 and 12 depending on demand and teaching resource availability.

    2. Bridgetown high school only goes to year 10 you’re better off looking at Manjimup high or maybe even Bunbury or waiting to move until you finish high school

    1. Hi Karlie,

      The primary school zone is Davallia Primary School and the secondary school zone is Carine Senior High School. As usual please contact the school in question for confirmation.

  5. Can I send my son to a high school outside of our area?
    we are on belmont road in Kenwick (Right in the middle of 2-3 area’s, but none highlighted)

    We wanting to send him to Lynwood high

    1. Hi Chelsea,

      If your address does not fall under any specific local intake area, then you basically just apply for any school you are interested in. If you are interested in schools with specific local intake area then you can try applying from outside of the local intake area for any school. Western Australia’s enrolment policy is as in the following link


      I had a quick browse of this document and from what I understand there is no guarantee of success with the application. The criteria used to prioritize the enrolment are stated in the document above as well. I would suggest contacting the school in question regarding this. In my personal experience in other states, there are schools that are really popular, they basically will not accept anyone that lives outside of defined local intake area. Many schools have defined enrolment caps and will not take any more when the cap has been reached.

    1. Hi Tony,

      There is no defined school zone covering the suburb of Brookdale. However, the closest school at the secondary level are Cecil Andrews College and Armadale Senior High School. So depending on which year you trying to enrol for, your best bet would be to contact these schools first. That being said, you can also try out of zone applications to other nearby schools as well.

  6. I am new to the Mandurah area. My foster granddaughter currently attends Lakelands Primary School which is outside our region. We got an exemption.
    Can you please advise which High School is within the Mandurah boundary?
    Thank you

    1. Hi Mandi,

      Mandurah covers a very large area and there are multiple colleges in the area. Lakelands Primary School is within the intake zone of Coastal Lakes College. There are also Halls Head College, Coodanup College, John Tonkin College, and Comet Bay College. So depending on which part of Mandurah you live, you could fall into any of those.

    1. Hi Selena,

      The entire suburb of Lake Coogee falls under the local intake area of Fremantle College. As usual, please contact the school in question for confirmation.

  7. hi
    my is x Walter crescent Morley WA 6062
    I would like to know which public secondary school in our catchment area. please give me a reply. thanks

    1. Hi Sarah,

      Apologies for the late reply, this entire street belongs to the catchment of Hampton Senior High School.

  8. Hi
    I’m at 313 kings rd, darkan, wa 6392. What high school are my kids eligibly for in 2026?

    1. Outside of major population centres, Western Australia generally does not assign local intake area for the schools. The enrolment is basically determined by proximity. So in this particular case simply look at the map and find the nearest school in question, Wagin District High School appears to be the closest.

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