Following is the best Victorian and Melbourne Secondary School Zone Map that I have created. This should also be the best and most accurate that can be found on the internet, I tried Google searches myself. The total currently stands at 310 zones for Year 7.
Victorian Secondary School Zone
Melbourne Secondary School Zone Map
Full zoomable map
- Alamanda K-9 College
- Albert Park College
- Alexandra Secondary College
- Alkira Secondary College
- Altona P-9 College
- Apollo Bay P-12 College
- Ararat Secondary College
- Ashwood High School
- Auburn High School
- Bacchus Marsh College (Maddingley Campus)
- Baden Powell P-9 College (Tarneit Campus)
- Baimbridge College
- Bairnsdale Secondary College
- Ballarat High School
- Ballarat Secondary College (Mount Rowan Campus)
- Ballarat Secondary College (Woodmans Hill Campus)
- Balmoral K-12 Community College
- Balwyn High School
- Bannockburn P-12 College
- Bayside P-12 College (Altona North Campus)
- Bayside P-12 College (Williamstown Campus)
- Bayswater Secondary College
- Beaufort Secondary College
- Beaumaris Secondary College
- Beechworth Secondary College
- Bellarine Secondary College (Drysdale Campus) Year 7 to 8
- Belmont High School
- Benalla P-12 College (Faithfull Street Campus) Year 7 to 10
- Bendigo South East 7-10 Secondary College
- Bentleigh Secondary College
- Berwick Secondary College
- Birchip P-12 School
- Blackburn High School
- Boort District P-12 School (Malone Street Campus)
- Boronia K-12 College (Rangeview Campus)
- Box Hill High School
- Brauer Secondary College
- Braybrook College
- Brentwood Secondary College
- Bright P-12 College
- Brighton Secondary College
- Broadford Secondary College
- Brookside P-9 College
- Brunswick Secondary College
- Buckley Park College
- Bundoora Secondary College
- Camberwell High School
- Cann River P-12 College
- Canterbury Girls Secondary College
- Carranballac P-9 College (Boardwalk Campus)
- Carranballac P-9 College (Jamieson Way Campus)
- Carrum Downs Secondary College
- Carwatha College P-12
- Casterton Secondary College
- Castlemaine Secondary College (Junior Campus)
- Castlemaine Secondary College (Yapeen Campus)
- Chaffey Secondary College
- Charles La Trobe P-12 College (La Trobe Campus)
- Charlton College
- Cheltenham Secondary College
- Cobden Technical School
- Coburg High School
- Cohuna Secondary College
- Colac Secondary College
- Collingwood College
- Copperfield College (Kings Park Junior Campus)
- Copperfield College (Sydenham Junior Campus)
- Cobram Secondary College
- Corryong College
- Craigieburn Secondary College
- Cranbourne East Secondary College
- Cranbourne Secondary College
- Creekside K-9 College
- Crusoe 7-10 Secondary College
- Dandenong High School
- Daylesford Secondary College
- Derrinallum P-12 College
- Diamond Valley College (Diamond Creek Campus)
- Dimboola Memorial Secondary College
- Donald High School
- Doncaster Secondary College
- Doveton College
- Dromana Secondary College
- Drouin Secondary College
- Eaglehawk Secondary College
- East Doncaster Secondary College
- East Loddon P-12 College
- Echuca College
- Edenhope College
- Edgars Creek Secondary College
- Elisabeth Murdoch College
- Eltham High School
- Elwood College
- Emerald Secondary College
- Epping Secondary College
- Essendon East Keilor District College (East Keilor Campus)
- Essendon East Keilor District College (Niddrie Campus)
- Euroa Secondary College
- Fairhills High School
- Fitzroy High School
- Footscray City College (Footscray City Campus)
- Forest Hill College
- Foster Secondary College
- Fountain Gate Secondary College
- Frankston High School
- Geelong High School
- Gisborne Secondary College
- Gladstone Park Secondary College
- Glen Eira College
- Glen Waverley Secondary College (Glen Campus)
- Gleneagles Secondary College
- Glenroy Secondary College
- Goongerah Tubbut P–8 College (Goongerah Campus)
- Goongerah Tubbut P–8 College (Tubbut Campus)
- Goroke P-12 College
- Greensborough Secondary College
- Grovedale College
- Hampton Park Secondary College
- Hawkesdale P12 College
- Hazel Glen College
- Healesville High School
- Heathmont College (Waters Grove Campus)
- Heywood District Secondary College
- Highvale Secondary College
- Hopetoun P-12 College (Secondary Campus)
- Hoppers Crossing Secondary College
- Horsham College (Horsham High Campus)
- Hume Central Secondary College (Blair Street Campus)
- Hume Central Secondary College (Dimboola Road Campus)
- Kambrya College
- Kaniva College
- Keilor Downs Secondary College
- Kerang Technical High School
- Kew High School
- Keysborough Secondary College (Acacia Campus)
- Keysborough Secondary College (Banksia Campus)
- Koo Wee Rup Secondary College
- Koonung Secondary College
- Korumburra Secondary College
- Kurnai College (Churchill Campus)
- Kurnai College (Morwell Campus)
- Kurunjang Secondary College
- Kyabram P-12 College
- Kyneton Secondary College
- Lake Bolac College
- Lakes Entrance Secondary College
- Lalor North Secondary College
- Lalor Secondary College
- Lara Secondary College
- Lavers Hill P-12 College
- Laverton P-12 College
- Leongatha Secondary College
- Lilydale Heights College
- Lilydale High School
- Lorne – Aireys Inlet P-12 College (Aireys Inlet Campus)
- Lorne – Aireys Inlet P-12 College (Lorne Campus)
- Lowanna College (Newark Campus)
- Lyndale Secondary College
- Lyndhurst Secondary College
- Macleod College (Macleod High Campus)
- Maffra Secondary College
- Mallacoota P-12 College
- Manangatang P-12 College
- Manor Lakes P-12 College
- Mansfield Secondary College
- Maribyrnong Secondary College
- Maryborough Education Centre
- McClelland Secondary College
- McGuire College
- Mckinnon Secondary College
- Melba Secondary College (Junior Campus)
- Melbourne Girls College
- Melton Secondary College
- Mentone Girls Secondary College
- Merbein P-10 College (Secondary Campus)
- Mernda Central P-12 College
- Mill Park Secondary College
- Mirboo North Secondary College
- Monbulk College
- Monterey Secondary College
- Montmorency Secondary College
- Mooroolbark College
- Mooroopna Secondary College
- Mordialloc College
- Mortlake P-12 College
- Mount Alexander 7-12 College
- Mount Beauty Secondary College
- Mount Clear College
- Mount Eliza Secondary College
- Mount Erin Secondary College (Frankston Campus)
- Mount Ridley P-12 College
- Mount Waverley Secondary College (Junior Campus)
- Mullauna Secondary College (Mullauna Secondary College Campus)
- Murrayville Community College
- Murtoa College
- Myrtleford P-12 College
- Narre Warren South P-12 College
- Nathalia Secondary College
- Neerim District Secondary College
- Newcomb Secondary College
- Nhill College
- Noble Park Secondary College
- North Geelong Secondary College
- Northcote High School
- Northern Bay P-12 College (Hendy Street P-8 Campus)
- Northern Bay P-12 College (Peacock Avenue P-8 Campus)
- Northern Bay P-12 College (Tallis Street P-8 Campus)
- Northern Bay P-12 College (Wexford Court P-8 Campus)
- Norwood Secondary College
- Numurkah Secondary College
- Oberon High School
- Officer Secondary College (interim name)
- Orbost Secondary College
- Ouyen P-12 College
- Pakenham Secondary College
- Parkdale Secondary College
- Patterson River Secondary College
- Peter Lalor Secondary College
- Phoenix P-12 Community College (Sebastopol Campus)
- Point Cook Prep – Year 9 College
- Portland Secondary College
- Princes Hill Secondary College
- Pyramid Hill College
- Rainbow P-12 College (interim name)
- Red Cliffs Secondary College
- Reservoir High School (Reservoir Campus)
- Richmond High School
- Ringwood Secondary College
- Robinvale College (interim name)
- Rochester Secondary College
- Rosebud Secondary College
- Rosehill Secondary College
- Rowville Secondary College
- Rowville Secondary College (Eastern Campus)
- Roxburgh College
- Rushworth P-12 College (Rushworth Secondary Campus)
- Rutherglen High School
- Sale College (Guthridge Campus)
- Sandringham College (Sandringham Year 7-10 Campus)
- Scoresby Secondary College
- Seymour College
- Shepparton High School
- Sherbrooke Community School
- Somerville Secondary College
- South Oakleigh Secondary College
- Springside P-9 College
- Springside West Secondary College
- St Albans Secondary College
- St Arnaud Secondary College
- St Helena Secondary College
- Staughton College
- Stawell Secondary College
- Strathmore Secondary College
- Sunbury College
- Sunbury Downs Secondary College
- Sunshine College (Ardeer Campus)
- Sunshine College (North Sunshine Campus)
- Sunshine College (West Sunshine Campus)
- Surf Coast Secondary College
- Swan Hill College
- Swifts Creek P-12 School (Tambo Campus)
- Tallangatta Secondary College
- Tarneit P-9 College
- Taylors Lakes Secondary College
- Templestowe College
- Terang College (5-12 Campus)
- The Grange P-12 College
- The Lakes South Morang P-9 School
- Thomastown Secondary College
- Thornbury High School
- Timbarra P-9 College
- Timboon P-12 School
- Trafalgar High School
- Traralgon College (East Campus)
- Truganina P-9 College
- Tyrrell College
- Wallan Secondary College
- Wanganui Park Secondary College
- Wangaratta High School (Edwards Street Campus)
- Wantirna College
- Warracknabeal Secondary College
- Warragul Regional College
- Warrandyte High School
- Warrnambool College (Warrnambool Campus)
- Wedderburn College
- Weeroona College Bendigo
- Wellington Secondary College
- Werribee Secondary College
- Werrimull P-12 School
- Westall Secondary College
- Western Heights Secondary College (Vines Road Campus)
- Western Port Secondary College
- Wheelers Hill Secondary College
- Whittlesea Secondary College
- William Ruthven Secondary College
- Williamstown High School (Bayview Campus)
- Wodonga Middle Years College (Felltimber Campus)
- Wodonga Middle Years College (HighWater Campus)
- Wodonga Middle Years College (Huon Campus)
- Wonthaggi Secondary College (Dudley Campus)
- Wycheproof P-12 College
- Wyndham Central Secondary College
- Yarra Hills Secondary College (Mooroolbark Campus)
- Yarra Hills Secondary College (Mount Evelyn Campus)
- Yarram Secondary College
- Yarrawonga College P-12 (Gilmore Street Campus)
- Yea High School
- Yuille Park P-8 Community College (Grevillea Campus)
The proper name used by the Victorian Department of Education is called “Designated neighbourhood school” which is what a particular address is zoned for the particular school. When discussed from the perspective of a particular school is often referred to as one of the following terms.
- Designated neighbourhood zone
- Designated neighbourhood boundary
- Neighbourhood zone
- School Zone
- School intake area
- School catchment
For the final confirmation please contact the school in question.
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Thanks for providing all this information. Just wanted to let you know that your site is totally unusable from my iPhone as it keeps refreshing and jumping all around on the page (scrolling) such that I cannot use the interactive map at all.
Hi Amiel,
Thank you for the heads up, I will try to find an iPhone and check this out. I will email you the direct link which hopefully should work better on iPhone.
There are no schools marked on the map which appears for me so I couldn’t find which school is closest.
With primary schools I only covered the Melbourne Metro and surrounding areas, I likely will try to expand and finish the entire state at some point. With Year 7 and 11, I covered the entire state. If you had trouble accessing a particularly map, you can find our contact information on About us page, we can work together to see if we can found a way that works better for you.
So useful thanks for your excellent work!
Unusable, there is no way to find schools or identify their boundaries.
There is a fully zoomable map in about the middle of the page where you can either search for a particular school or manually zoom to the area of your interest. If then click on the map of the area you interested in, the school’s intake area will be highlighted, the boundaries are all clearly marked in red.
This map is difficult to use, could you tell me what secondary colleges are located at 18 Currajong Ave Camberwell in Melbourne metro area. Many thanks.
Hi Mike,
Look like that particular address falls under both Auburn High School and Canterbury Girls Secondary College’s intake area. As usual, I recommend you contact the school in question for the final confirmation.
Could you please tell me what secondary colleges are located at 10 lancashire drive in Melbourne south east.
Hi Yannam.
Alkira Secondary College looks to be the closest school to that address. However, you will need to contact the school in question to confirm whether you are zoned for the school in question.
Is this map come out from government ?
Hi Sam,
The map is derived from what government data can be gathered publicly or estimated based on the principle stated by Victorian Department of Education. As I have stated previously this map is only meant for reference, I tried to keep it as accurately and up to date as possible. However, you will still want to contact the school in question for final confirmation.