This is the school catchment map for Parramatta High School in Sydney, NSW. There is a major shrinkage of the catchment for year 2018.
The most common name used by NSW Department of Education is called “catchment” which refer to that students resides in particular area are guaranteed position in specific schools. When discussed from prospective of a particular school is often referred as one of the following term.
- School Zone
- School intake area
- School catchment
As usual contact the school in question or Department of Education for the final confirmation and you can also access the full High School Catchment Map 通过点击此链接。
Do I come under catchment
Without knowing exactly where you live, it is impossible to tell whether your current address falls under the catchment of Parramatta High School. You can email me using the address location on the following page.
I can check this and confirm it for you.
Dear Sir/Madam,
Please tell me Year 7 public high school catchment for my residential address which is 24 Byron Road, Guildford NSW 2161.
Thank you in advance
Cu Nguyen
This address belongs to the catchment of Granville South Creative and Performing Arts for year 7.
Hi, does 311/3 weston street rosehill nsw. Fall under paramatta high school catchment area.
This address is zoned for both Arthur Phillip High School and Macarthur Girls High School. As usual, I recommend contacting the school in question for final confirmation.
Do i come under the catchment area?
I am from 605/91b bridge road, westmead
This address appears to be zoned with Pendle Hills High School.
Hi I live in xx-xx lydbrook street Westmead. Does this area come under the catchment for high school
Hi Divya,
This particular address belongs to the catchment of Pendle Hill High School.
My son is in Cherrybrook high school year 7. We are planning move out of catchment Cherrybrook high school. Can school authorities force us to change school?
Hi Manish,
Not in my experience and from what I know as well, typically around 30 to 50 per cent of any school’s students actually do not live within its catchment, so cases like this is not unusual. Of course, as usual, I would recommend you confirm with the school in question.
Parramatta Good Street comes under the catchment for Parramatta high school ? Please let us know.
Hi Moshi,
Yes, the entirety of Good Street from both Parramatta and Westmead falls under the catchment of the Parramatta High School.
With the recent changes and Sydney Metro acquisitions, I have been forced to move from Alexandra Ave to Queens Road, Westmead.
Do these new developments and zoning impact catchment selections?
Hi Jiaya,
I had a quick check, the catchment looks like has not changed for the secondary schools from 2021 to 2022, of course, we still have a few months to go before the end of the year. Queens Road, Westmead is part of the Pendle Hill High School’s catchment.
Do you give admission out of catchment area?
Hi Tracy,
Parramatta High School is partial selective, so you can apply for out of area admission. However, there is no guarantee that it will be accepted. Priority is given to applicants who lived within the catchment.