2022 Edenbrook Secondary College and Surrounding School Zone Update

Edenbrook Secondary College was opened in 2021 for year 7 and will be for year 8 in 2022, then progressively one year at a time. With these new schools, the nearby school zones are redrawn to accommodate this change.

The green striped area was used to be part of the Officer Secondary College and for the Year 7 and 8 in 2022 will be part of Edenbrook Secondary College zone.

The red striped area was used to be part of the Pakenham Secondary College and for the Year 7 and 8 in 2022 will be part of Edenbrook Secondary College zone.

The yellow striped area was used to be part of the Koo Wee Rup Secondary College and for Year 7 and 8 in 2022 will be part of Edenbrook Secondary College zone.

Year 9 enrolment will be transferred in 2023, Year 10 in 2024, Year 11 in 2025, and finished with Year 12 in 2026. The red borders are the 2020 and the black borders are the 2022 school zone borders.

Edenbrook Secondary College School Zone

维多利亚州教育局使用的专有名称称为“指定的邻里学校 (Designated neighbourhood school)”,这是为该学校划分的特定学区。学区在英语中可能以下面的术语来表达。

  • Designated neighbourhood zone
  • Designated neighbourhood boundary
  • Neighbourhood zone
  • School Zone
  • School intake area
  • School catchment

For the final confirmation please contact the school in question. You can also find the full Melbourne, Victoria public school zone map by clicking on the link.


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