Updated ACT/Canberra High School Priority Enrolment Area/Catchment For 2019

I have updated the ACT/Canberra’s secondary school’s priority intake area, this covers from year 7 to 10 (high school) and the year 11 to 12 (college). The changes are as following, please note the changes are not necessarily what happened in 2019, just between now and last time I reviewed the data.

  • Suburb Florey is now exclusive priority enrolment area for Belconnen High School, it is no longer shared with Melba Copland Secondary School. This happened in the last year or two. The map on the Melba Copland’s website from 2011 still sites Florey as part of its Priority Enrolment Area.
  • Gold Creek School (Year 7 to 10) slight adjustment to the north covering the suburb of Taylor. The suburb is actually part of the Priority Enrolment Area already in 2018 but suburb name is not listed as part, I am not sure why that is the case.
  • Amaroo School (Year 7 to 10) expanded to the north as well covering the suburb of Jacka. I had not reviewed the catchment in last year for ACT, it likely happened recently as well. This is not a significant change as Jacka was not covered by any other school previously.

“Priority Enrolment Area” which is what a particular address is zoned for the particular school. When discussed from the perspective of a particular school is often referred to as one of the following terms.

  • School Zone
  • School intake area
  • School catchment
  • Priority Intake Area

As usual contact the school in question or Department of Education for the final confirmation and you can also access the full ACT公立学校优先招生区域(学区)地图 通过点击此链接。


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